cleanUrl: manual/android_g3x_english
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Download & Installation

The SHAKS Gamehub application is designed for a better gaming experience using SHAKS high-end series S2x, S3x, S5x, and Snapdragon G3x Handheld Gaming Model, including the sniper, turbo, mouse setting, calibration of the analog stick, mapping feature, self-test, and FW remote update, etc. Also, it provides a compatible game list, its playing tips, manual, tutorials. Please note that SHAKS has different application per each OS, and its feature is different each other according to OS & device.

SHAKS keeps developing new features, updates via firmware or app release. Please keep updating your gamepad and app up to date always for 100% using SHAKS feature sets.

Download & Install

Search "SHAKS Gamehub" on Google Play and download it. Or Download the APK and install the file.

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Privacy and Service Agreement

It is required to consent to the application service agreement and privacy policy. SHAKS gives the most priority to protect the privacy of our clients.

Privacy Policy

Terms of Service

Please accept to receive marketing information/news from SHAKS by clicking the box.


Google Gmail ID and Guest are allowed to access. but Guest log is limiting its use of GameHub online service.

<aside> ✅ You can try to log in with the [Sign in with Google] button only when the device you use properly supports the Google sign-in function. If the product cannot be used, please use the product using the [GUEST LOGIN] button.


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